Job Search Care Package

Congratulations! You've graduated!

As you embark on your job search, here is an aggregate of your PD resources. Start by clicking on the topics listed below:

Resumes & Cover Letters

Finding Job Opportunities

Search By... Company

  • Listing of Colorado Tech Companies

  • Tips:

    • Check out the articles and directory here for lots of companies you can add to your research
    • Start with cold outreach here to establish connections
    • Then look into their hiring needs
  • Google

  • Tips:

    • Search “top tech companies in [location]” / "top workplaces in [industry (edtech, fintech, etc.)]" and look for a journalist-generated list of companies that are recommended in that area
    • Pick a couple companies to look into and walk through their website, including their careers page and team page
    • Research these people on LinkedIn, Twitter, and look for a personal blog

    Other Resources:

  • Owler is a great way to conduct research on different companies.

Search By...Network

  • LinkedIn

  • Tips:

    • Use the "Advanced Search" tool to find people based on skillset, location, and industry OR names of companies and select the "People who work at..." option
    • In "Keywords" type in the skills or focus you want to be working in (i.e., JavaScript, Ruby, Python, EdTech, FinTech, etc.)
    • In "Location" type in the area where you'd like to work
    • In "Industry" select "computer software"
    • Search: Of those profiles that return, look at their profiles to see the list of companies they've worked for. What companies do you want to continue to research? Who do you want to connect with?
    • You can also click on the company’s page and on the right side, view "Similar Companies" where your connections work
  • People of Color in Tech is a job site specifically for People of Color in tech.

  • reacHire is a job site specifically for connecting women with companies that value inclusion.

  • This Dot hires women-presenting, frontend junior developers.

  • Power to Fly is a job site built specifically for underrepresented groups in tech.

  • is a job site built to connect underrepresented groups in tech with employers.

Outreach & Networking

Research Your Contacts

  • Start with LinkedIn
  • Then, look for personal sites, blogs, Twitter, etc. to find out additional information
  • Take time to read and understand who you're contacting and analyzing what your ask is
  • * HINT: You're not asking for a job

Craft A Message

  • Introduce Yourself
  • Why are you reaching out? Connect to research
  • Suggest meeting times

Networking Groups for Underrepresented People in Tech

  • BeVisible is a career network for Latinx.
  • Black Data Processing Associates is an international organization for Black professionals in tech.
  • CodeNewbie is a community for newcomers to code.
  • Diversify Tech is a community built to share upcoming conference scholarships, events, education scholarships, job opportunities, and more for people who are underrepresented in tech.
  • Lesbians Who Tech is a career network for lesbians.
  • MAES was founded in Los Angeles in 1974 to increase the number of Mexican Americans and other Hispanics in the technical and scientific fields.
  • National Society of Black Engineers is one of the largest student-governed organizations with the aim to increase the number of culturally responsible Black Engineers.
  • Out in Tech is a community to connect LGBTQ+ in tech.
  • TechLatino is an organization to empower Latino technological and scientific engagement.
  • Tech Ladies is a community for women and non-binary folks. You have to apply to join, but once accepted, you'll have access to jobs from partnering companies.
  • Trans Tech Social Enterprises is an incubator for LGBTQ Talent with a focus on economically empowering transgender people.

Your Github
