
Portfolio & Storytelling Review

In any professional engagement, be it an interview, a meetup, or a coffee meeting, you will be asked some variation of 'tell me about yourself.' As we begin Mod 5 we want to make sure that you feel comfortable, confident and ready to answer that question with aplomb. Your Turing portfolio is the primary means we use to introduce our students to employers. Help us make a good impression for you by keeping it ready to view.

Homework Due

  • Update profile on Turing Portfolio Site (make sure projects are up-to-date, resume is current, and all links work).
  • Revisit your personal story so that it is fresh in your mind for the session. (If you need a refresher on storytelling, review the Mod 1 PD curriculum.


  1. Welcome / Mod 5 Reminders
  2. Portfolio Check
  3. Storytelling recap
  4. Whole group workshopping
  5. Whole group workshopping
  6. Small group workshopping
  7. Regroup and review

Next Steps

  1. Complete Junior Developer Flower Exercise prior to next week's session.
  2. Continue to practice your story with friends, family or the mirror.

Need Week 2 Agenda

Week 2 Focuses on....

Homework Due

  • First Point
  • Second Point


  • First Point
  • Second Point

Next Steps

  • Create a cover letter for an actual job posting prior to next week's session.

Cover Letter Review

Like them or loathe them, cover letters are a part of the job application process. In today's session we will work together to remove some of the mystery and develop a process for creating a great cover letter every time.

Homework Due

  • Create a cover letter for an actual job posting.


  1. Cover Letter Review
  2. Whole Group Review
  3. Refine Cover Letter (from HW)
  4. Small Group Feedback
  5. Revision

Next Steps

Behavioral Interview

The behavioral interview is a standard component of the hiring process. This session is designed to review what you have learned about the behavioral interview and give you a chance to practice responding to questions using the STAR method.

Homework Due

  • Send out application with revised cover letter
  • Review behavioral interview question bank here


  1. Homework Review
  2. Whole Group Practice
  3. Small Group Practice
  4. Regroup & Share Out

Next Steps

  • Keep practicing behavioral questions with friends and family. Comfort in talking about yourself and your experiences comes with practice.

Technical Interview

For new job seekers, the technical interview can be a scary unknown. This session aims to break down those unknowns and give you a foundation for further practice and confidence in the interview.

Homework Due

  • Complete the assigned technical challenge.


  1. Homework Review
  2. Best practices for whiteboard interviews & take-home challenges (technical & non-technical)
  3. Questions

Next Steps

  • Continue to practice both coding and explaining code.
  • Review additional resources.

Additional Resources